Thursday, 29 June 2017

Week 18 - Dream Big BTS

Dream Big - Behind the Scenes:

                   Nina Simpson - Voice of Billy              
 Left to right - Asher Briggs and Luke Page

          Asher Briggs - Voice of Billy's Mother          
Left to right - Nina Simpson and Luke Page 

     Gala street room of Jake Brew (music)     

Left to right - Thomas Davis (audio) and Luke Page

Week 9-17 - Dream Big Fails

There are two major flaws in Dream Big which I need to change before submitting it to the flicks: 
Snapshot render using Maya
Screenshot of After-Effects render

The first of these is the texture of the ceiling shown above. I assume it to be a lighting issue.

Very spooky last few frames of Billy's kick. 
The second major issue to fix is weighting. 
It takes a lot more time than I had originally planned for it to. 
Luckily, all of the other components of my animation were really well presented. Except for a few minor timing and rendering issues such as the the chair's flickering exposure (see screenshots 2 & 3).

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Week 8 - Character Modelling (continued)

This week we are working hard on our character models. In every class we sit, we soak so much new information and build up valuable experience in the program. I can easily see myself modelling to pass time over the holidays.

Kid model. Looking much better than the knight.

The kid's hand. It is easily the best object I have ever modeled in Maya.  

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Week 7 - Character Modeling

 This week we started modeling our characters. Although I used the character references I drew up for my panels it was still very challenging for me.

This is the model so far + references.
This is the model so far - references.

Week 5 & 6 - Character Panels

During these two weeks we worked on printing and mounting our character panels. Having not used Photoshop in a long time it was quite good to get back into using the program.

Character Bio has a typo in the Kid Billy section. I almost cried after noticing it.

Character references turned out alright.

As did the knights.
The final pose was really fun!

Saturday, 11 March 2017

Week 4 - Concept Art

This week we focused on fleshing out our characters, settling for a final look and giving them biographies which people can relate to and appreciate. This is all in preparation for our first assignment of the year which is due next week. The presentation of our characters is key in order to achieve high grades.

Saturday, 4 March 2017

Week 3 - Top, Side and Front.

This week I worked on refining my storyboards as well as settling for a final look on my character(s). The knight and the kid are different iterations of the same person and will both have their own character bio written up.
In these references Billy's head is tilted up slightly. It was a bit difficult to draw it's profile but turned out alright I think. 

It seems the profile is something I struggled with a little bit here as well and will make sure to angle it back a little bit.
Also the sword in the right hand was quite difficult to draw and was a good experience for me.
It won't be very necessary as part of the reference though.

I am very pleased with the final looks of both kid and knight Billy.
Their designs are not too simple and yet not too complicated either.
I also a clear idea of the colors I will be using for them. 
After I am done with their concepts and fleshing out these references I will work on the backgrounds, finalizing the storyboards and finally work up a good audio and musical composition.

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Week 2 - References

Toy story because there's a room and it's 3d
Garen because he's a knight and I play a lot of lol
Arthas from Warcraft because he's blond

Calvin because he's a blond kid with a wild imagination

Here's a good student-made 3d model of a guy with a cape. 

Monday, 20 February 2017

Week 1 - Story and Sketches

My 3D animation will be entitled ''Dream Big''.

The animation will be about a little boy with a wild imagination named Billy who is in the middle of a daydream.
What we see is a tall and dashing knight in a shinig armor with a cape holding a shield in one hand and in the other, a sword, brandished over his head in celebration of victory over a big beast.
He gets snapped back to reality by his mother shouting 'Billy! Dinner's ready!'. We now see a boy in his room, with a cloth tied around his neck instead of a cape, a cardboard shield and sword which he quickly disposes off as he runs out yelling 'Be right there!' leaving behind all of his toys. Including a hopper ball - the monster he was celebrating victory over - which he runs back into the room to kick, making it bounce all around the place, ending the animation with one final bounce toward the camera.

This will be really challenging to animate but I believe that the simplicity of the story will compensate for the diffuclties I will face in both modelling and animating.

Second rough of Knight-Billy.
First rough of Knight-Billy.

First rough of Kid-Billy and his room.